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Warning: Some parts of CTM Cyberia use stroboscopic effects and/or high frequencies. To protect your ears, be sure to mind your volume, especially when using headphones.


By Transe Paris x CTM

Capsule collection inspired by CTM Liminal visuals, designed and made in France by Transe Paris. Transe Paris is an emerging independent clothing and accessory label launched in 2020, by designer Gu Song an, originally from Shanghai, China. Working with a collective and hybrid mindset combining the French savoir-faire and unexpected crossover collaborations, Transe Paris’s creations reflect cross-cultural and broad-minded lifestyles. The capsule collection features all over prints of the bold and vibrant CTM Liminal visuals designed by VOJD as well as intricate fantasy-organic Liminal patterns in greyscale. The collection is available to order at the CTM shop.