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Warning: Some parts of CTM Cyberia use stroboscopic effects and/or high frequencies. To protect your ears, be sure to mind your volume, especially when using headphones.



Collaborative Audiovisual Composition, 23 min., 2020 This collaborative audiovisual piece is a record of artistic expressions and conversations curated and produced by Alessandra Leone and Zoë Mc Pherson, who together form SFX. The project is addressed to adventurous video and sound artists, with the aim to foster synergetic thinking and making. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, having only seen the end of the previous contribution. Within CTM Cyberia, this ongoing project features contributions from 49 sound and visual artists. Audio Artists Aho Ssan, Aylu, Bonebrokk, Désir d‘enfant, ELLLL, Flore, Forces, Glass, Gramrcy, Holy Similaun, Hulubalang, Jellvako, John Object, Kaltès, Katie Gately, KMRU, Luke Lund, Simon Grab, Tadleeh, Ziúr,Zoë Mc Pherson, ZULI. Visual Artists A-li-ce, Ainissa V, Alessandra Leone, Analucia Roeder, Constant Fernandez, Geso, h5io6i54k, iamunnatural, Kevin Karanja, light.synth, Malo Lacroix, Michael Mesiats, Nick Teeple, oxoo, Patrick Defasten, Petra Hermanova, Pierce Warnecke, Pierre Tardif, Sam Wiehl, Serena Stucke, Soyun Park (RGBdog).