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By Lucas Gutierrez & Robert Lippok

Virtual Kinetic Sound Sculpture, 2020 Gutierrez and Lippok conduct interdisciplinary research on the borders of nature, technology, and time. The terms »physis / φύσις« (nature) and »téchne / τέχνη« (art and craft), as used by Aristotle in his treatise, Physics, became the starting point for this audiovisual installation: »The critical distinction between art and nature concerns their different efficient causes: nature is its own source of motion, whereas téchne always requires a source of motion outside itself.« »Physis« and »téchne« are represented as two primeval ring-shaped bodies that comprise a mechanism that layers the sounds of everyday life. Within its rings, »SPIN« becomes a listening space where sounds of nature and civilisation meet, and chaos, silence, wilderness, evolution, and disaster are in constant motion.